Professional Organizations
- American Bar Association (Member, Sections on General Practice, Litigation, and Torts and Insurance Practice, Committees: Insurance Coverage Litigation; Self-Insurers and Risk Managers; and Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability Law)
- American Judicature Society
- Bureau of Governmental Research (Member, Board of Directors and Nominating Committee)
- Defense Research Institute
- Federal Bar Association
- International Association of Defense Counsel
- Louisiana Organization for Judicial Excellence (Member, Board of Directors)
- Louisiana Association of Business and Industry (Member, Liability Task Force, Labor Management Relations Council, and Employee Relations Council)
- Louisiana Association of Defense Counsel
- Louisiana Association of Self Insured Employers
- Louisiana Bar Foundation (Fellow)
- Louisiana State Bar Association (Co-Chairman, Workers’ Compensation Committee 1992; Member, Sections on Civil Law and Litigation; Labor and Employment Law; Fidelity, Surety & Construction Law; Insurance, Negligence, Compensation and Admiralty Law; and Sole Practitioners and Small Firms)
- New Orleans Bar Association
- New Orleans Chamber of Commerce
- New Orleans Claims Association
- Risk and Insurance Management Society, Inc.
- Tulane Law School National Trial Team (1994-1995)
- Tulane Law School – Insurance Law (Guest Lecturer, 2000-Present)
General Counsel
- Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Louisiana, Inc. (2004-Present)
- Louisiana Restaurant Association (2006-Present)